Retrieve Blog Tour: Book Review for Retrieve by Sarah Addison-Fox

Good afternoon, Arrowheads! Welcome to my first blog tour stop of the year for the first in Sarah Addison-Fox’s newest dystopian fantasy series, Retrieve! I have a book review of the novel for you today, so let’s get started!



Retrieve (The Stormer’s Trilogy #1) by Sarah Addison-Fox

What if the job you took to stay alive might be what kills you?

Kade knows what it is to suffer. He knows what it’s like to lose everything and everyone around him.

His job in a Stormer Unit guarantees not just his survival in the decimated country of Azetaria, but his sister Meg’s. Even if it means facing the Numachi warriors baying for his blood, he’ll do what it takes to keep her safe.

Hadley is alone and surviving the only way she knows how. By hiding where predators won’t find her and scavenging enough just to keep her alive.

When desperation drives Hadley to search for her missing brother, she mistakenly accepts the offer of recruitment into the Stormer’s camp, only to be partnered with Kade and sent as a scout into Numachi territory.

The intimidating young Stormer may just know where her brother has gone. But can they stay alive long enough to find him?

For More, Check Out Retrieve on:

Goodreads | Amazon

Book Review

After finishing up the delightful dystopian/fantasy Allegiance series earlier this year, I was beyond excited when Sarah Addison-Fox announced her upcoming series, The Stormers Trilogy. Book one of the series, Retrieve, has been said to be similar to Prince of Persia and Mulan, and I personally noticed some similar flavors of The Hunger Games as well. This colorful mix ends up producing an outstanding first installment of The Stormers Trilogy!

What I Liked:

Hadley’s Motivation

Hadley, our heroine in this series, has the same kind of persistent motivation to survive that we need more of in literature. If you’re looking for a dystopian series with a strong female protagonist like Katniss Everdeen, look no further than Retrieve!

Kade’s Broodiness

I guess that’s the word I’m aiming for. XD Kade’s resistance to wanting to help Hadley is purely palpable in the way the author describes it. Although the way Kade treats Hadley made me initially dislike him, I have a feeling he may take the same route Torrance does in Sarah’s Allegiance series.

World Building

he world building in this novel is much more descriptive than I remember the first in the Allegiance series being, and I was instantly intrigued when the dystopian elements came into play. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

What Was Iffy:

Getting to Know the Characters

Though this aspect is not a major issue, I wish we had learned a little more about Kade and Hadley besides both of them being insistent on protecting their siblings. I’m sure we’ll find out more about them further along in the series though! 🙂

That being said, I’m beyond pumped for Book Two to release in January! 😀


Rating: 4 out of 5.

Thank you to the author for providing me a free ebook copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. A positive review was not required to receive the ebook.

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Talk to Me, Arrowheads!

Have you read any of Sarah Addison-Fox’s books? Let me know your favorite in the comments!

Aim high, stay strong, and always hit your mark.

-Allyson 😀

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As an author and blogger, my goal is to teach writers that there is a way to write realistic, thought-provoking, redemptive Christian fiction that honors God while not sugarcoating the realities of the world. 

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